Lake Victoria had historic flooding with water rising almost up to the visitors huts. The purpose of the trip was to begin a sea wall project with gabions (wire rock containers) to protect the island from further erosion and damage.
The trip was led by Children of Conservation. Kerry Stumpe, a CofC founder, and I worked with a great local team to kick the project off. Pictures and videos below of the progress the team made over an 8-10 day period.
This picture shows the huts on the island prior to Lake Victoria rising by 1.8 meters. The project shown below is an effort to build a sea wall to help protect the sanctuary. My trip was on behalf of Children of Conservation.
This picture shows the huts after the flooding with rocks piled up ready to go in the gabions. The goal is to build a protective wall out of Gabions to prevent future shore erosion and damage to the "human" part of the island.
Mining the rock, transporting by boat
Gabion install after week of work. Videos below show process. Approximately 200,000 pounds of rock move in just over a week.
Placing assembled gabions in the water
Initial rock line to load gabions, used canoe later in process
Tough work underwater but team had a great attitude.
Individual rock placement underwater.
Reinforcing gabions with tie wires.
Switched from rock line to loading rock by canoe.
Starting the 2nd layer to bring total height to 2 meters.
Gabion after 3 days of work
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